Sunday, November 30, 2008

Pirates, We Don't Need No Stinkin Pirates

Sirus Star

The Sirius Star is only one of the latest ships to be captured and held for ransom by Somalian pirates. These pirates have seized or tried to seize any ship they can get within range of including cruise ships, fishing vessels, freighters and now an oil tanker.

In March of 1794, the United States Navy was born in response to Muslim pirates operating out of Algeria. In the early 1800s, the pirates actions led to the first and second Barbary Wars.

USS Anacapa AG-49

During the World Wars, many countries used armed ships disguised as merchant ships to seize, sink or terrorize merchant ships on the high seas. The picture above is a WWII Q-ship the USS Anacapa AG-49.

I remember reading of German surface raiders used in WWII in the same manner as the Allied Q-ships. Freighters or other surface ships were provided with armament and methods of changing the ship's profile to minimize recognition. Such things as dummy funnels, repainting shipping line insignias and changing the ships paint scheme along with fake cargo that could be rearranged into various combinations. The ships also flew the flags of other countries dependent upon their mission.

Underneath all of the fakery the ship had the ability to drop panels and become a warship once the had closed within striking range of their target. Below are pictures of three German surface raiders.

HSK1 Orion

HSK2 Atlantis

HSK6 Stier

A short online check reveals there are small ships for sale around the world. I am also sure that our country has some ships in mothballs that could be brought into service and armed for patrol in areas where pirates are wreaking havoc. It would cost to either purchase a ship or rehab one in mothballs however, the pirates in Somalia are collecting millions of dollars a year in ransom. The cost of routing ships around the pirates would drive up shipping costs because of spending more days at sea.

I realize that these ships are not armored but the pirates weapons are basically rocket propelled grenades, and well they can cause harm, they are not accurate rapid fire weapons.

Years ago the US Navy had a mine sweeper that was propelled by huge outboard propeller drives. The ship was driven over the mines to detonate them. The ship's hull was filled with Styrofoam to provide floatation capability should the hull be breached. Something along those lines could done to a small merchant ship after it is provided enough ballast to look correct.

With the modern weapons available to governments today it would not be cost prohibitive to put out armed decoys for the pirates. Once pirates realize the easy pickings are over and that attacking ships can be painful; they will seek other occupations.

Plus these ships could also be used in other areas around the world where pirates roam. It seems pirates exist in other areas besides just Somalia.

A Troika Of Barack, Hillary and Bill

Barack, Hillary and Bill: What do you think they are thinking?

Clinton Cuts Deal for Wife to Get State Job

See the AOL story at:

Basically the story says Barack Obama will anoint Senator Hilary Clinton as his Secretary of State after making a deal with Bill Clinton over his post-White House work.

To make it easier for Obama to anoint Senator Clinton the following pre-anointing conditions designed to bring transparency to Bill Clinton's activities were listed as:

Bill Clinton will disclose the names of every contributor to his foundation since its inception in 1997 and all contributors henceforth
Bill Clinton will refuse donations from foreign governments to the Clinton Global Initiative, his annual charitable conference.

Bill Clinton will cease holding CGI meetings overseas.

Bill Clinton will volunteer to step away from day-to-day management of the foundation while his wife is the Secretary of State.

Bill Clinton will submit his speaking schedule to review by the State Department and White House counsel.

And Bill Clinton will submit any new sources of income to a similar ethical review.

Soap Box Ravings has always thought if Hilary Clinton was elected President of the United States with Barack Obama the Vice President, that Hilary would be able to control Barack.

Soap Box ravings does not in any way believe that Barack Obama will be able to control Hilary Clinton. Obama may feel that Hilary will join his team and work 100% towards his goals. I do not believe that.

Furthermore for anyone to think that Bill Clinton has suddenly become honorable and will honor any future commitments more honorably than his past commitments is ludicrous.

Bill Clinton has never identified donors except when forced to, he will never submit sources of income for ethical review and if he did they would never be ethically reviewed because IMHO neither he nor the reviewers comprehend ethics.

Hilary is also noted for taking the most self serving route. She may or may not make a good secretary of State but after hearing many of my military peers discussing her behavior in the White House, I am certainly glad I am not in her employ.

Both Bill and Hillary can lie with a straight face. Well actually, Bill will work up a little tear and make a sad face when caught.

Time will tell if I am wrong but we will have to wait for the history to be written.

As a cop, I always told my boss, I can let people slide because I know that if I give them enough rope and they deserve my attention they will hang themselves.

As I was finishing this post, I realized the article title was "Clinton Cuts Deal for Wife to Get State Job" the title did not say "Obama Works Deal for Clinton to Get State Job." And I think that only helps make my point.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Shocked, Oh My God

Admiral Mullen, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is the senior officer in the United States military and he says he is shocked by the pirate attack on the Saudi Arabian super tanker Sirius Star.

In Soap Box Ravings mind, that is the equivalent of the senior admirals in Washington, DC being shocked when they heard of the attack on Pearl Harbor. They had intelligence the war was coming, not exactly when or where.

With knowledge of the pirates in Somalia and their past history I do not understand how the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff could say he is shocked by the attack.

The people who do NOT know what is going on in the world could say they are shocked by the attack.

People who make their living defending this country, particularly at his level, should not be SHOCKED by any attack anywhere in the world in the world's present climate. In fact, the job of Admiral Mullen and his peers is to be ready to defend anywhere, anytime. He is "The Man" in charge of forward planning and being ready.

I knew it was coming but not exactly when or where would have been a more appropriate comment from the Admiral.

If the Admiral really did not know it was coming, then he and or his staff needs to retire and soon.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Those Who Do Not Know History Are Continually Surprised

"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened."

– Norman Thomas, American socialist, quoted from an interview during the presidential campaign in 1948.

Soap Box Ravings says as of today this country has spent perhaps slightly more than $800 TRILLION dollars and Obama has not even been sworn in yet. But let us remember at this point he and the Democrat run Congress are in agreement with President Bush.

And we wondered how the government was going to save Social Security. My 6 month old grandaughter will not live long enough to pay off this debt. Also, according to the new Presidents stated goals, this is only the beginning.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Look At That Money Go

George Mason University economics professor Walter E. Williams writes:

"Evil acts can be given an aura of moral legitimacy by noble-sounding socialistic expressions such as spreading the wealth, income redistribution or caring for the less fortunate. Let's think about socialism. Imagine there's an elderly widow down the street from you. She has neither the strength to mow her lawn nor enough money to hire someone to do it. Here's my question to you that I'm almost afraid for the answer: Would you support a government mandate that forces one of your neighbors to mow the lady's lawn each week? If he failed to follow the government orders, would you approve of some kind of punishment ranging from house arrest and fines to imprisonment? I'm hoping that the average American would condemn such a government mandate because it would be a form of slavery, the forcible use of one person to serve the purposes of another. Would there be the same condemnation if instead of the government forcing your neighbor to physically mow the widow's lawn, the government forced him to give the lady $40 of his weekly earnings? That way the widow could hire someone to mow her lawn. I'd say that there is little difference between the mandates. While the mandate's mechanism differs, it is nonetheless the forcible use of one person to serve the purposes of another. Probably most Americans would have a clearer conscience if all the neighbors were forced to put money in a government pot and a government agency would send the widow a weekly sum of $40 to hire someone to mow her lawn. This mechanism makes the particular victim invisible but it still boils down to one person being forcibly used to serve the purposes of another. Putting the money into a government pot makes palatable acts that would otherwise be deemed morally offensive. This is why socialism is evil. It employs evil means, coercion or taking the property of one person, to accomplish good ends, helping one's fellow man."

Soap Box Ravings says at this time, our government is sending "bail out" money to save banks and other financial institutions. But it does not seem that the money is being used by the recipients for "bail out." The banks or financial institutions are free to spend their "bail out" as they wish.

In Walter Williams article above what is unsaid is when the old woman gets money from the government to mow her lawn she can spend that money when and where she wants. And therein lies the problem with money freely given to people for what other people believe the recipient needs.

It is a known fact that many people use their welfare money and/or food stamps to purchase items the money was not provided for. It makes no difference whether it is illegal drugs, alcohol, cigarettes or to go to Disneyland. The money was not used for it's intended purpose and I believe it will always be that way as long as the money is "given."

I believe most people need to earn their money. Once money is earned it is up to the earner to decide how to spend their own earned money. If they spend it recklessly, then they need to suffer the consequences of their actions.

I also believe that banks, financial institutions and anyone else looking for "bail out" money need to suffer the consequences of their previous actions, at least to the point of being forced to drop "deadwood" and other useless practices that led to wasted monies. For example, auto companies who can't sell their vehicles, it is not just the auto companies problem. The problem is a combination auto company-union problem and it needs to resolved in bankruptcy court. IMHO, handing out huge sums of money without realistic requirements is ridiculous.

Soap Box Ravings feels that anger is building amongst his fellow Americans; those fools who have been living their lives, all of their lives, by the rules. You know the type I mean, those Americans who essentially buy what they can pay for, who go to work daily and make their payments on time, and who pay the F*&^%^ taxes. The politicians who run this country don't realize what true anger looks like. Particularly when those politicians refuse to react to popular demand to find sources of oil and develop other energy programs just so prices will rise to a level where we the citizens will agree the the politicians goals.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

It Seems College Students Are the Same Around The World

The story says, "Panda bites student who wanted hug."

It seems that some Chinese college student went over the fence and into the Panda pen to hug the Panda. The student seemed surprised the Panda attacked him, since he only wanted to cuddle the Panda.

China must have their own version of liberal college professors who teach huggy-feely stuff. However, as Soap Box Ravings remembers, zoos are places were people put wild animals so they can look at them. They are not there to hug, unless the sign says "Petting Zoo" and I have seen animals in "Petting Zoos" knock little kids on their a**. When a docile cow swings it's head, perhaps to see what is happening elsewhere, a 2-3 year old can get hurt very easily.

Wild animals are wild whether they are in the wild or in the zoo. Soap Box Ravings and his Blushing Bride visited Icy Strait, Alaska a couple years ago on a cruise. In Icy Strait we signed up to go inland and see the bears. A native Inuit was our guide on the bus, he regaled us with stories until we arrived at our destination.

The actual tour was a walk from point A to point B. While our bus driving guide led our walk through the woods and fields looking for bears another Inuit moved the bus to our pickup point.

As we formed up and started to follow our guide, a third Inuit fell in at the back of the tourist group. While we were looking for bears, he was with us in case we actually saw a bear or bears. He was carrying a .338 Winchester Magnum Ruger Model 77 rifle slung over his shoulder. Everybody in Icy Strait, Alaska knows what happens when you met an Alaskan bear in the woods.

And yes, we had two bears pass us at a distance of about 40 yards. We saw them cross the stream about 100 yards to our left, go down the opposite bank of the stream to within about 40 yards and then they continued another 200 yards before crossing back onto our side of the stream.

The female bear was moving and the male bear was only interested in her. The rifle remained slung. None of the Inuits with us had any interest in killing a bear unless it was absolutely necessary to protect a human.

Friday, November 21, 2008

What Is Missing From This Election?

Soap Box Ravings has been wondering what is missing from the election held on 4 November, 2008. After racking his brain for almost three weeks he has realized why.

There is no after election whining from the Democrats.

Lets see, after the 2000 election the news media called the election for the wrong man before the Florida polls closed. Then we had the hanging chads in Florida which resulted in a December 12 7-2 United States Supreme Court decision stating that the Florida Supreme Court's plan for recounting ballots was unconstitutional, as well as a 5-4 United States Supreme Court decision that ended the Florida recounts and allowed Florida to certify its vote.

On January 6, 2001, a joint session of Congress met to certify the electoral vote. Twenty members of the House of Representatives, mostly Democratic members of the Congressional Black Caucus, rose one-by-one to file objections to the electoral votes of Florida. However, according to an 1877 law, any such objection had to be sponsored by both a representative and a senator. No senator would co-sponsor these objections, deferring to the Supreme Court's ruling. Therefore, Senator Al Gore, who was presiding in his capacity as President of the Senate, ruled each of these objections out of order.

Bush subsequently became the President-elect after the electoral votes from all 50 states and the District of Columbia were certified by the joint session of Congress. Bush took the oath of office on January 20, 2001.

Then we had the 2004 election between President Bush and Senator John Kerry. As in the 2000 presidential election, voting controversies and concerns of irregularities emerged during and after the vote.

Meanwhile, Senator John Kerry, who earlier in his career had publicly thrown away his Vietnam medals and associated with Jane Fonda, was accused by the Swift Vets and POWs for Truth, who averred that "phony war crimes charges, his exaggerated claims about his own service in Vietnam, and his deliberate misrepresentation of the nature and effectiveness of Swift boat operations compels us to step forward." The group challenged the legitimacy of each of the combat medals awarded to Kerry by the U.S. Navy, and the disposition of his discharge. And so, the term "swift boating" was added to the mantra of Democrat whines.

Since the Democrats won this time, they finally beat George Bush, even though he was not in the race.

There are some comments being made about the election, but the Republican comments seem to be mainly against Republicans. The only area of dispute seems to be in the Senate race in Minnesota in which discovered votes for the Democrat runner continue to be found. They will probably continue to be found in the true Democrat tradition until Al Franken is declared the winner.

Yet at this point, almost three weeks after the election, Republican whine compared to Democrat whine in the past is almost non-existent. Who would have thought.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Another Ominous Omen Perhaps

Before the election:

After the election:

If you want a job in the Obama administration and you own a gun, you may be out of luck. Here is Question #59 on the application:

"Do you or any members of your immediate family own a gun? If so, provide complete ownership and registration information. Has the registration ever lapsed? Please also describe how and by whom it is used and whether it has been the cause of any personal injuries or property damage."

Full Story at:

Well, Golly Gee, That's Not Nice

Now here is something to excite the American liberal press. On Wednesday, 19 November 2008. Al-Qaeda's No. 2 leader, Ayman al-Zawahri, referred to President-elect Obama as a "house negro."

Soap Box Ravings says it's one thing to torture and kill people, desecrate their bodies and in general cause terror in many parts of the world, all of which is played down by the American liberal press as our fault. But to insult the "messiah" of the American liberal, why that is just unthinkable.

Do you think there may be a message there?

Prior to the election, some liberals wanted to try President Bush as a war criminal for his actions fighting terrorism. Soap Box Ravings can't help but wonder if President Obama continues these actions, is he also a war criminal?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Big Three Auto Makers Need Bankruptcy Court

Mitt Romney, former Governor of Massachusetts opposes a bailout of the big three automobile makers. He believes bankruptcy may be the only path to solvency for the Big Three automakers.

On the radio today, I heard Neal Boortz say that yesterday the top executives of Ford, General Motors and Chrysler flew to Washington, DC to testify in front of Congress. Neal pointed out that each of those executives flew to Washington in a private airplane, none of them flew commercial.

My liberal daughter told me those executives need the bailout to maintain their standard of living. She said those executives are not the type to fly commercial, especially in the rear of a wide body aircraft.

"Detroit is in nose dive, no doubt about that. So is a $50 billion government bailout the answer? President-elect Barack Obama thinks so, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi points in the same direction with her call for extending 'emergency and limited financial assistance' under the $700 billion bailout plan enacted last month. Democrats clearly want something big and something soon for the Big Three. We agree that the automakers can't go on much longer burning cash and piling up an Everest of debt. They're close to the breaking point. But there's a system in place for dealing with crises such as this, even at the scale of massive corporations. It's called bankruptcy, and it should not be written off as unthinkable. Filing for Chapter 11 protection under bankruptcy law is the normal way a company stays in business when facing an unmanageable financial situation. It keeps creditors at bay while the company reorganizes under court supervision and settles its debts. In recent years it has served as a refuge for major airlines (Delta and United) which, you may notice, continued to fly while in Chapter 11 and, post-bankruptcy, fly today. Bankruptcy protection also frees companies from union contracts. Could this be why it seems to have been taken off the table as an option, at least among Democrats? We can only surmise, but it's clear that a bankruptcy process would be rough going for the United Auto Workers (UAW)." --Investor's Business Daily

Soap Box Ravings would like to point out that the entire automobile industry in this country does not require bankruptcy. However, the old guard of Ford, General Motors and Chrysler do. I agree with Gov. Romney and Investor's Business Daily, these companies need to go through bankruptcy court and re-establish themselves. I also agree with my liberal daughter that the executives involved and the UAW workers need the bailout money to maintain their standard of living, but some money is better than no money.

Soap Box Ravings believes neither the executives nor the UAW want to make changes, they just want money.

Part of the problem are the company business plans and part of the problem are the United Auto Workers. I don't intend to establish blame, it is fact. If you are not making money enough to cover your expenses bankruptcy is the solution.

Soap Box Ravings believes if the our country helps enough countries, states, banks and businesses.......the country itself will go bankrupt sooner or later.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Shouldn't The Punishment Fit The Crime

2006 Day Fire, CA which burned 163000 acres.

A California homeless man, suffering from paranoid schizophrenia, depression and alcoholism, was sentenced Monday by U.S. District Court Judge Valerie Baker Fairbank to 45 months in prison. He was also ordered to pay more than $101 million in restitution for starting two fires; the 2006 Day Fire and the 2002 Ellis Fire.

The Day Fire raged for more than a month and cost more than $78 million to suppress while injuring 18 people, and destroying 11 structures.

The Ellis Fire burned 70 acres.

The Judge said "The fact that in 2006 he engaged in virtually the same conduct as in 2002 shows extreme recklessness."

Soap Box Ravings is glad the man, identified as Steven Emory Butcher, was in fact a homeless man suffering from paranoid schizophrenia, depression and alcoholism. He could have been a US Senator and took the country for mega-millions.

However, when Soap Box Ravings worked with the substance abuse counselors in the US Navy he learned that you could not trust, for example, an alcoholic on a binge to make a rational decision. You had to take control of them, dry them out and then see if they could make intelligent rational decisions. Some still could not.

Soap Box Ravings can not help but wonder how a gifted federal judge could determine reckless behavior from a person suffering from paranoid schizophrenia, depression and alcoholism. It kinda sorta looks like the wrong ruler was used to measure the miscreant's behavior.

Soap Box Ravings can't help but wonder if this Judge was focused on the U.S. Senator's who fed off of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac what she would have sentenced them to repay.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

You Have To Love The Associated Press (AP) Regardless Of Their Country

The AP headline on AOL read: Passenger Jet Lands Without Wheels

The identified by name Philadelphia Inquirer reporter's headlines read: Emergency landing at Philadelphia International

The actual story is: A US Airways Express airliner slid down a runway Sunday during an emergency landing without its nose landing gear.

Soap Box Ravings has noticed over the years that news reported by the Associated Press suffers. There is a major difference in landing a passenger jet with no wheels and landing the same aircraft with an inoperative nose wheel.

This is just another complaint I register along with the medias bias on the news. Yet those in the business wonder why no one reads their newspapers or watches their news shows.

Added on 17 November 2008, a couple of examples from the French equivalent of the Associated Press......the Agence France-Presse (APF).

APF claims to be the world's oldest established news agency.

An elderly Iraqi woman shows two bullets which she says hit her house following an early coalition forces raid in the predominantly Shiite Baghdad suburb of Sadr City. At least 175 people were slaughtered on Tuesday and more

A Baghdad area puppy shows a hand grenade, recently tossed through the window of this Sadr City animal shelter, killing dozens of adorable puppies and kittens and demolishing the building when it detonated.

Soap Box Ravings says only a complete dolt would believe that either picture was anything but staged. The bullets the woman is holding are unfired cartridges and the grenade with the puppy has not been detonated.

Soap Box Ravings also has a hard time believing there are animal shelters in Sadr City filled with dozens of puppies and kittens.

Again, I rest my case.

More news from 27 November 2008:

Hundreds Killed, Wounded in Mumbai Slaughter, Associated Press

MUMBAI, India - A trickle of bodies and hostages emerged from a luxury hotel Thursday as Indian commandoes tried to free people trapped by suspected Muslim militants who attacked at least 10 targets in India's financial capital of Mumbai, killing 101 people.

When Soap Box Ravings was being instructed in English, it took more than 101 to make hundreds. Soap Box Ravings was taught hundreds meant mutiples of one hundred. I believe you has one hundred, a couple of hundred, a few hundred and then hundreds.

We Shall See

United States veterans and active duty personnel not in uniform can now render the military-style hand salute during the playing of the national anthem, thanks to changes in federal law that took effect in October when President Bush signed the Defense Authorization Act of 2009.

"The military salute is a unique gesture of respect that marks those who have served in our nation's armed forces," said Dr. James B. Peake, secretary of Veterans Affairs. "This provision allows the application of that honor in all events involving our nation's flag."

Changes in federal law last year, contained in the National Defense Authorization Act of 2008, authorized active duty personnel not in uniform and veterans to render the military-style hand salute during the raising, lowering or passing of the flag, but did not address salutes during the national anthem.

Traditionally, members of the nation's veterans service organizations have rendered the hand-salute during the national anthem and at events involving the national flag while wearing their organization's official head-gear.

Soap Box Ravings says that soon Ex-Senator Obama will be the President of the United States of America, the Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces of the United states of America. Will he salute the flag then and with respect or will he be disrespectful as he has been in the past. Time will tell and we will see.

The information on the law states that active duty personnel and veterans "can" now hand salute in civilian clothes it does not say "must." But President Obama will be in his official capacity as President from the day he is sworn in until he is relieved. In his case, the "can" is a must.

I am reminded of an old saying about a leopards ability to change it's spots. Can the new President change his spots. Soap Box Ravings does not think it is very likely, but he will see along with the rest of you.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Veteran's Day

I would like to wish all veterans a very happy day. May each and every one of you enjoy today with those who mean the most to you. I thank you for a job well done. I also wish to extend this to any and all shipmates on active duty regardless of your service. Fair winds and following seas and may God take care of you all.


Soap Box Ravings heard on the radio today, Veteran's Day, 2008; that 67 per cent of the folks recently surveyed felt that Obama had done a great job since the election.

Freaking amazing!!!

God help us all.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Soap Box Ravings would like to congratulate President-elect Obama for a well bought election.

Soap Box Ravings would also like to point out that he believes President Obama, Senator Reid and Speaker Pelosi will:

1. Not increase our oil supply thereby increasing fuel costs,

2. Not use coal nor nuclear power thereby increasing energy costs,

3. Increase the restrictions on firearms (he has the votes now),

4. Rewrite the Fairness Doctrine to destroy "talk" radio, and

5. Increase all of those taxes Obama said would not increase.

The increased taxes coupled with increasing fuel costs and energy costs will cause major job losses and a even more rapid slowing of the economy. When this happens, the Democrats in power will assure everyone that their problem is President Bush's fault.

But when that happens, remember that Obama and company campaigned for the job knowing the economy was "bad" and they promised they had a plan to "save the country" with change. I hope they were right but I never believed them then and I don't believe them now.

Now I could be wrong with my forecast. With judicious use of the "Fairness Doctrine" an extremely biased media and no interviews except with friendly sources, an individual may never even learn about future in-country problems unless of course it is your personal ox which is gored.

Another interesting footnote for the day: As soon as I woke up this morning news radio announced that Obama would be our next President.........and the sun did not shine all day.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Justice Is Swift In Montana

Obama Receives Support From ... A Gun Maker? Not For Long!

A high end Cooper rifle from Cooper Firearms of Montana, Inc..

In an article published Tuesday, 27 October 2008, the USA Today stated that Dan Cooper, chief executive of Cooper Arms in Montana, donated money to Barack Obama's presidential campaign and that he also donated to Obama's 2004 Senate campaign.

Cooper's company makes high end hunting rifles, and those that purchase those rifles largely support Republican John McCain. Nationwide, most hunters do not trust Obama's stance on gun control and many were upset. So upset that the company board of directors, shareholders and employees asked the chief executive officer to resign on Friday, 31 October 2008.

For more information see Pete Thomas' article at:

Also Matt Gouras' article at:

Soap Box Ravings believes in "Freedom of Speech" and also the "Laws of Unintended Consequences." When you take a position you take all that goes with that position. When you speak, you get the results of your speech. I agree with the company's position and the end result. I firmly and absolutely believe Senator Barack Hussein Obama when he said he was not after our guns...he didn't have the votes for it. His entire history is anti-gun from day one.