Sunday, September 18, 2005

Sheep, Wolves and Sheep Dogs

The people of this world are divided into three categories.

The first are those categorized as Sheep. Sheep have to be taken care of. They have to be protected from predators of all shapes and sizes. Most of the people in the world are sheep. That is to say they go through their life totally oblivious to what is happening around them and if they are not protected by someone or some thing different than their fellow sheep, they are injured or killed off by predators.

Wolves are the segment of the population that consists of predators. These predators that exist to feed off the sheep. Wolves go after sheep for food or fun. The damage caused by wolves is not limited to just what the wolf needs to survive. For the wolf it is almost a bloodsport to kill, injure or just terrify sheep, singular or plural.

The final and perhaps smallest part of the population are the sheep dogs. Sheep dogs exist to protect the sheep from the wolf and any other physical danger that may arise. Sheep dogs have been known to sacrifice themselves when they are highly outnumbered by the wolves.

I suppose each of us has the ability to consciouslly decide whether to be a sheep, a wolf, or a sheep dog.

The main problem for those who become sheep, whether they reached that staus consciously or not, is there are never enough sheep dogs to protect all of the sheep every minute of every day throughout the lifetime of each sheep. Additionally, the sheep normally refuse to foot the bill for the cost of 24 and 7 sheep dogs. When it comes to finances, the sheep are always prepared to sacrifice some other member of the flock to hold down costs. Although some sheep often use the following battle cry "for the good of the lambs" when they try to interest the flock to increase their protective blankets.

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