Friday, February 01, 2008

Thought For Today

“Every candidate who repeats the misleading nonsense that ‘47 million in America have no health care,’ ought to be challenged with hard truth. The number is grossly inflated by including millions who are here illegally and millions of others who have the means to pay for health care insurance but refuse to adjust their budget and lifestyle. And don’t expect any media type to question where in the Constitution Congress derives any authority to dispense health care.” —Janet LaRue

Soap Box Ravings wonders with government health care for all will it be mandated that those who are self-insured must use the government health insurance whether they want to or not. I doubt it. I really don't see Teddy Kennedy waiting in line in a doctor's office with all of the unemployed and social security recipients. Don't really see any high member of the government doing that.

The reason I say waiting in line is because the good doctors and surgeons will move to another country where they can charge and get reasonable fees. Think not? Have you ever wondered why such a large percentage of our doctors and surgeons are from other countries?

Although if you run enough illegal aliens through daily and the government is foots the tab I guess you could make a profit. The thought reminds me of a military sick call about 45 years ago.

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