Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Admiral Fired For Lying About An 18 Year Old Affair

A photo of Vice Admiral Stufflebeem.

The Navy fired a Vice Admiral John Stufflebeem after a Pentagon investigation concluded he'd lied during questioning about whether he had an inappropriate relationship while working at the White House in 1990.

The Pentagon Inspector General's investigation was based on an anonymous letter accusing Vice Admiral Stufflebeem of an inappropriate relationship while serving as a military aide to President George H.W. Bush in 1990.

A Navy spokesman, stated that the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) has lost confidence in Admiral Stufflebeem’s judgment and his continuing ability to lead in the office of the CNO.

Besides his total amazement at an investigation over an 18 year old affair, Soap Box Ravings wonders if new standards are being set for those in Washington, D.C. or is it still only the United States military who are upholding standards.

A photo of Hillary Clinton under sniper fire.

Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton during a speech last Monday on Iraq, said of her Bosnia trip: "I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base."

A photo of Senator Obama and Pastor Wright, the Senator's long term Pastor.

Presidential candidate Barack Obama claimed to have never heard any of his Pastor's rants in church, even though he has been a member of that church for over 20years. Senator Obama knew his Pastor and he knew his Pastor's teaching; which is why the night before he announced his candidacy he called his Pastor and uninvited the Pastor from giving an invocation. Senator Obama knew then of Pastor Wright’s teachings, which his own handlers, among others, believed were overly Afrocentric to the point of excluding whites.

According to the Pastor Wright, Mr. Obama told him, “You can get kind of rough in the sermons, so what we’ve decided is that it’s best for you not to be out there in public.”

Neither candidate was under oath but if you lie when you are selling yourself what does that mean. Once a person has lied to me, I know they are a liar. How about President Clinton and his statement about relations with that woman, Monica Lewinsky, another lie and another liar.

As a retired Master Chief Petty Officer, USN, Soap Box Ravings believes as does the CNO, if they lie, their judgment and continuing ability to lead are questionable and they need to be fired. Think about this for a moment, a candidate for President is basically doing a series of employment interviews. Employment interviews are normally terminated immediately if the future employee determines you are lying.

If that sounds harsh, in the military it is mandatory that you believe in and trust those you work with. Your life and many others are in their hands.

Oh golly, I guess you could say that about the President of the United States of America.

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