Saturday, March 22, 2008

Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguements In DC v. Heller

Soap Box Ravings believes America's Founding Fathers provided in the First Amendment the freedoms of religion, speech, press, assembly and petition.

They also provided the Second Amendment to secure "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms" to guarantee to themselves and their posterity the blessings of "a free State."

By entrusting the nation's sovereignty to the people, the Second Amendment breaks the government's military monopoly by guaranteeing to the people such firearms as would be necessary to defend against the sort of government abuse of their inalienable rights the British had committed prior to the revolution of 1776.

The amendment's "well regulated Militia" encompasses all citizens who have the right to form their own government, not just those who would enlist in the National Guard.

No government deprives its citizens of rights without asserting that its actions are "reasonable" and "necessary." However, A right that can be regulated is not a right at all, it is only a temporary privilege which is dependent upon the good will of the very government officials that such right is designed to constrain.

Herbert W. Titus and William J. Olson, are Gun Owners of America attorneys, who filed a brief representing GOA in the Second Amendment case the Supreme Court presently sitting on.

Their full article "2nd Amendment bars regulation of people’s ability to bear arms" can be found at:

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