Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Suddenly, Now Senator Obama Gets It

On Tuesday, Senator Barack Obama said he is saddened, angered and even outraged by the antics of his former pastor at the National Press Club yesterday. "I find these comments appalling," he said. "It contradicts everything that I'm about and who I am."

It was a far different tone from the finely tuned speech on race that he had given in Philadelphia in March, shortly after some of Jeremiah Wright's most inflammatory comments had first come to light.

Obama's speech reflects the new political reality that he has confronted in what have been the rockiest weeks yet for his presidential campaign.

Soap Box Ravings says that by his own admission, Obama joined Pastor Wright's church to get an "in" to the community. And during this time, he never heard any of the inflammatory language used by Pastor Wright. While at the same time Obama had Pastor Wright uninvited from his candidacy announcement last year.

Soap Box Ravings believes that Senator Obama is a political chameleon who is like many politicians trying to make himself into something he is not. We do not need any more politicians like that. We need politicians with character enough to say what they mean and mean what they say. The world does not run on a survey.

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