Friday, April 04, 2008

Wow, It Looks Like The Anti-War Liberals Have A Point, According To Al-Zawahari

From Al-Zawahri, the chief deputy to Osama bin Laden: "No Innocents Have Died."

Ayman al-Zawahri, rejecting criticism of attacks by the terror network's followers that have killed thousands, maintains Al-Qaida does not kill innocent people. "We haven't killed the innocents, not in Baghdad, nor in Morocco, nor in Algeria, nor anywhere else," al-Zawahri said.

His answer was in response to the question: "Excuse me, Mr. Zawahri, but who is it who is killing with Your Excellency's blessing the innocents in Baghdad, Morocco and Algeria?"

Al-Qaida has also claimed responsibility for the Sept. 11 attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people in New York and Washington in 2001, while its affiliates in Iraq, Afghanistan and Algeria regularly set off bombs in crowded urban areas that have taken thousands of lives.

Al-Zawahari accused al-Qaida's opponents of being the ones who kill innocent people. He said "the enemy intentionally takes up positions in the midst of the Muslims for them to be human shields for him."

Soap Box Ravings says this must be true since this information is on the Internet at:

Basically Al-Zawahari says Al-Qaida is the victim and whomever they kill it either was "an unintentional error or out of necessity." Soap Box Ravings says "Whatever Al-Qaida does someone else is responsible, it is everyone else's fault, not theirs. A typically liberal feeling."

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