Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Pardon Me, But Have I Missed Something?

The headline says "John Edwards' Wife Blasted by Democrats" since she knew of her husbands' philandering and did not tell.

Wasn't it only a few years ago William Jefferson Clinton was in the limelight for dallying with an intern. As I remember, his wife was praised for "standing by her man."

Later, Hillary campaigned for the Democrat Party nomination for President of the United States against Barack Obama and John Edwards.

Let me understand, Edwards puts his hat in the ring after he has committed adultery while his wife is extremely ill with cancer and the Democrats say it is her fault they did not know about it.

Soap Box Ravings wonders why was it not Democrat John Edwards' personal responsibility while he prepared to campaign to identify to his fellow Democrats all of his "hidden assets" so to speak? Actually it makes you wonder what the societal rules of liberals are. How do you know how to react in given situations when the rules seem to be fluid. P.S., that's not John's wife in the adjacent picture.

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