Saturday, August 23, 2008

What are Petrochemicals?

Soap Box Ravings was plowing through at low speed while watching a Modern Marvels show titled "The secrets Of Oil" on the History Channel. The statement "Aspirin is a petrochemical product speed up my surfing efforts. I soon located this site:

Check it out and think about all of this information as our Congress holds it's recess and does nothing to solve our "energy" problems.

Instead, the political parties toss such things back and forth about who owns what houses or cars.

Some petrochemical products are shown below. It would take to long to identify all of them. The problem is not as simple as our politicians would have you believe, It is going to take some give and take on both sides plus an actual leader who knows where they are going. Years ago, JFK focused the United states on the moon. There were government grants and I'm sure tax breaks but it was essentially done by business with NASA doing the focusing.

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