Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Thank God, No More Fearmongering

Panel Finds WMD Attack Likely by 2013. The entire AP story is available at: http://www.military.com/news/article/panel-finds-wmd-attack-likely-by-2013.html?ESRC=eb.nl

Possible anthrax bio terrorism attack in Washington, DC. This has already happened in Washington, DC and Ft Lauderdale, FL for real plus multiple scares in other locations.

Dirty bombs come in all sizes. They can use small amounts of radioactive material which can be easily carried into choke points and detonated in cities, tunnels, airports, etc. In this picture smoke from the fire could be spreading radioactivity plus what the blast spread. First responders throughout this country are normally not equipped to identify dirty bombs.

Dirty bombs can also be larger and use greater amounts of explosives contaminated with larger amounts of radioactive materials. The only real difference is they need a somewhat larger delivery system. Perhaps a truck or a bus. The above photo is the Federal building in Oklahoma City destroyed by homegrown terrorist Timothy McVeigh. It was not a dirty bomb, but it could easily have been one. Besides the actual difference in destruction which is visible, the radioactive dust cloud would also be much larger contaminating many more people and a greater area.

Soap Box Ravings notes that the Commission on the Prevention of WMD Proliferation and Terrorism says the United States can expect a terrorist attack using nuclear or more likely biological weapons before 2013.

Up to now, this countries liberals have called statements regarding possible terrorist attacks as "George Bush fearmongering." Thank God we will have no more fearmongering; perhaps we will develop a new term for use with the new government which is starting to resemble the government they mean to replace.

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