Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Lost But Honest Souls Or Scum Sucking Dogs Who Fail To Pay Their Taxes

Timothy Geithner

Nancy Killefer

Tom Daschle

Soap Box Ravings is not making a call on the motivation of these folks with tax problems. Each of these people were hand selected by President Obama to serve on his team

Are they guilty as charged by the media, or just plan folks who failed to understand the US Tax Code? I really hold no proof either way.

It is interesting that two of them submitted a request to withdraw their nominations. While the other, who has been identified by some in the media as being briefed on his tax requirements by those paying him, went on to take the position offered him.

Soap Box Ravings would like to offer these folks as "Poster Children" for the need to simplify our present tax laws since they are totally out of control. If you ask three people a tax question, you get three different answers in many cases. The IRS employees do not all understand the rules and regulations they are empowered to enforce.

Geithner, Killefer, and Daschle positively exhibit the need for the "Fair Tax." If they can't figure their taxes given their professional work history, how can an ordinary person be expected to.

They alternative is that these folks actually thought they could spend their money better than the government could spend their money. Hell, we all know that; but if an ordinary person tries to do that the consequences are fairly severe.

If we can't change the tax system, then I recommend we have some escape blocks on the income tax forms which if checked means, If this form is wrong, I take the Geithner, Killefer, or Daschle defense and I should not be penalized by the IRS, even if I am wrong.

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