Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Thoughts For RNC Chairman Michael Steele

The other day, I got a survey from the Republican Party. While filling it out, I started to think about the paper I was holding in my hands. The Title was "2009 State of the Republican Party." The longer I held it, the more I thought about the survey.

In a previous life as a senior petty officer, I wrote, disseminated and tracked surveys for the Department of Defense Equal Opportunity Institute (DEOMI). I do not consider myself as an expert survey person but something about this "survey" was bugging me.

I have had previous surveys from the Republican National Committee (RNC) and the all seemed to be somewhat off for lack of a better term. But, after some thought I figured out what was bothering me. The "survey" is nothing but a vehicle to raise money for the RNC.

And in my opinion, this survey indicates a major problem with Republican Party leadership.

A few days ago I exchanged e-mails from a friend who was recently elected to Congress. He pointed out the problem he and other Republicans have in raising money while their Democrat opponents have plenty of money.

Thinking about this, after reading the survey, my conclusion is Democrats work to ensure their supporters want to donate their money. I think they do this by letting their supporters feel like they have inputs into the party. But once the supporters are on line (so to speak) they volunteer their money.

The Republican Party has sent me emails and letters that basically and consistently say that my money is urgently needed to save the world from whatever "demon" Democrat is running for office or some idea some Democrat in office has put forth.

At the same time, the Republicans seem to have abandoned what I consider are unchanging principles such as:

Family Values: Family values are important, but Republican family values now are basically regarding abortion. Abortion is a smokescreen and is basically legislation of moral values. If the Republicans actually worked on family values, abortions could be a very minor problem.

International Trade: Everything comes from Red China and they don't like us yet we do not share enough business with our South and Central American Allies. More money spent there would work to reduce our illegal border crossings.

Elimination of plans that do not work. During 45 years of military and law enforcement, I never used marijuana. However, the war on drugs costs billions and mexico is about to have anarchy. Legalizing marijuana means more money is available to use on useful projects.

The "War on Poverty" named that by President Johnson but which had it's roots under President F. D. Roosevelt has only produced a large class of people who are designated "poor" but drive nice cars and own plasma TVs. Many of them also look down on persons in their neighborhood who try to better themselves.

The Bill of Rights, government schools have so much crap they are responsible for they don't spend a lot of time teaching such important theories such as freedom and the bill of rights.

Breakfasts for underprivileged children probably spend more to ensure the wrong kid doesn't get a meal than if the school cafeterias provided a free breakfast to every child. The program basically provides lots of jobs to administrators..kind of like the Bureau of Indian affairs. I am sure it could be handled with a giant computer sending checks to the schools and eliminating all bureaucrats except for a finance officer and the computer operator

The survey got basically hit a few panic button and scare type questions designed to separate a little old lady or old man from some of their cash.

However, I say if the RNC really wants to restore the Party then I suggest they get some various groups together to identify some survey questions that will provide the ideas they can use to breath life into the Republican Party. Ideas that will get people excited enough to want to donate, not people that donate because they were scared.

These groups need to be made up of, but not limited to, such thinkers as: Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, Neal Boortz, Walter Williams, Herman Cain, Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, Alan Keyes, and perhaps even Dick Morris. The purpose of the group is not to write the survey or the party platform, their purpose is to brainstorm ideas. You can use multiple groups since not all of those folks get along. Again the object, as much as possible, is to get ideas regarding real concerns that would cause Republicans to re-energize.

To do nothing means you will continue to send out scare type money requests posing as surveys and the party will go nowhere.

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