Saturday, July 04, 2009

Are There Cracks In The Armor, Or Are The Weak Showing Signs Of Panic?

May 2009, Warren Buffett warns "Inflation on the horizon"

July 2009, Colin Powell Warns Obama: “And We Can’t Pay for it All”

Soap Box Ravings says these are not the words of your average rabid talk show hosts. Conservative talk show hosts have been saying these things in one form or another since Obama set out to run for President. These are high ranking people who supported Obama and helped him reach the presidency.

Powell claims to be a Republican but his actions speak louder than his words and right now he seems to be excited because Obama is ordering up things he can't pay for. There may be a Conservative ideal in his head and I know he had many years of equal opportunity training while in the US Army, but he allowed color to rule.

As a retired navy E-9, I can't help but think some of my army peers failed Colin Powell as a junior officer during his formative years when he was supposed to learn army ethics and values.

Soap Box Ravings can't wait to see who is the next one to start muttering.

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