Friday, September 11, 2009


Jessica Leeder of the Globe and Mail (Canada) wrote:

As the 11th hour strikes Friday morning, a hush will ripple across the United States to mark the eighth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks – and the first with President Barack Obama at the helm.

Rather than join the throng of politicians attending the annual World Trade Center ceremony, Mr. Obama is slated to meet victims' families at a more intimate, lower-profile memorial at the Pentagon, a strategic move observers suggest is aimed at managing the tepid support for the war in Afghanistan.

The complete article is at:

Soap Box Ravings finds it interesting that the President, who can showcase himself by flying to Colorado to sign a bill does not go to New York City for 9-11 Memorial Observances. Today is the eighth anniversary of the 9-11 terrorist attacks on this country, an attack that killed more Americans than the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Soap Box Ravings notes that this President, a President who bows to a Queen, Kisses a Sheik's ring and constantly apologizes for the existence of the United States of America has chosen to downplay the memorial services in regard to Islam's attack on the United States on 09-11-2001. For almost 68 years Pearl Harbor has been recognized as Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor. Yet after only eight years, the attacks on the United States which occurred at the World Trade center, the Pentagon and in the air near Shanksville, PA are now referred to as terrorist attacks, not attacks by Muslims or Islamic attacks.

While I realize that not every person of Islam was involved in the attack, neither was every Japanese person involved in the attack at Pearl Harbor. However, the fact remains that Islamic or Muslim war lords exist and they still wish to inflict much harm to the United States and it's citizens.

Shame on you Barack Hussein Obama for not participating in the New York City services. Shame on you Barack Hussein Obama if you used the families of those who died on 09-11-2001 to further support for your Afghan misadventures.

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