Sunday, October 11, 2009

I Just Had To Post This

On 30 August 2009 General Stanley A. McChrystal submitted his request for additional troops to Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates. COMISAF'S Initial Assessment can be found at:

The General, who was specifically appointed by President Obama to manage the war in Afghanistan, has publicly emphasized the importance of protecting civilians over just engaging insurgents, restricting air strikes to reduce civilian casualties, and increasing the Afghan security forces as well as increasing their training. He also wants to unify the efforts of other allied forces operating in Afghanistan.

In an article titled: "McChrystal: More Forces or 'Mission Failure' Top U.S. Commander For Afghan War Calls Next 12 Months Decisive" written by Washington Post Staff Writer Bob Woodward, on September 21, 2009 the request became public knowledge.

See: for the complete article.

Here is an interesting blog on Obama & McChrystal:

In Soap Box Ravings opinion, Obama, who spent three days trying to sell the Olympic Committee on Chicago as the city of choice did manage to give General McChrystal 25 minutes before Obama flew back to the USA.

That alone has to make you wonder, Obama spends 72 hours bringing money to Chicago and 25 minutes on discussing strategy related to reducing American troop fatalities in Afghanistan while furthering the stated aims of the United States.

As I write this, President Obama has yet to make a decision on General McChrystal's request for assistance.

American soldiers have died every day since this request was sent. Should Obama decide today to send the troops requested it will be weeks before they are in place. It has already been about six weeks since the request was generated and only God and Obama know if and when the request will be met.

The troops in the field need to be backed up, if not, then they should be pulled out. And down the road, another President, one with balls, will be forced into solving the problem this President refuses to do.

This is one of those 3:00 am phone calls and Obama is not doing well.

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