Sunday, May 09, 2010

Warning Shot Fired In Germany, Funny Our Government Ignores Warning Shots As Coming From Misfits Or Tea Partiers

Chancellor Merkel's center-right alliance lost a key election in Germany's most populous state on Sunday, costing her majority in the upper house of parliament and curbing her government's power. It seems a lot of Germans do not want to bail out Greece from their financial difficulties.

Soap Box Ravings can't help see a connection here with President Obama's government in the United States. He spends his time on items in his agenda, but appears to be doing nothing for his fellow citizens. Twice he has verbally attacked police officers conduct in this country. He forced through a medica health plan that seems bound to bankrupt the country. However, when people complain he tries to pigeon hole them as malcontents. He has continually promised things which did not happen, some small and some very damaging.

Lets Remember in November.

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