Thursday, August 24, 2006


After a lot of thought I have decided that immigration amnesty is not the way to go. I really do not care how many immigrants we let in legally with proper registration, finger prints, etc. However, those who come in illegal need to be sent back to the end of the line with some form of punishment.

I do not support providing multiple signs in all the various languages of the world. As child in the 1950's I remember the Hungarian revolution where the Hungarian tried to throw out the Russians and the Russian supported Hungarian government. Many of those who escaped Hungary came to the US. Some even came to upstate New York where I grew up. But the had to mix and mingle in English to get ahead.

I am happy to welcome new folks who want to be US citizens to this country. I am not interested in adding 2 million Mexicans who feel that California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas really belong to Mexico.

So for those legals who come here, "Welcome Aboard." For the ILLEGALs, my vote will get you some time in jail and more time added to your inprocessing.

Our laws need to be changed and enforced to ensure the safety of this country and neither political party seems to really care about our internal security as long as they can pander for more votes.