Thursday, December 11, 2008

It Is Coming Down To The Wire On This Part Of The Problem

Murky future for auto rescue amid GOP opposition

The full story is available at:

Soap Box Ravings notes that Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell has come out against the bailout. Republicans are directly challenging their President. The Republicans say support should have specific concessions and they oppose the tougher environmental rules added by the House.

Democrats do not want specifics such as worker pay cuts which would anger the unions who support them in elections.

Soap Box Ravings feels that if the Republicans in office for the last eight years had acted as Republicans the Democrats would not have gained control of the Congress in 2006 and the President-elect today would not be a liberal Democrat.

But since that is the case, Soap Box Ravings feels there will be no compromise on the Democrats part. Soap Box Ravings feels Democrats would rather play politics and have the auto companies and unions fail than compromise. Democrats want what they want and do not compromise and knowing eventually the Republicans will cave in as they historically do. Particularly since the one-sided media will ensure the Republicans are blamed for any failure to pass the bailout bill no matter how poorly or inadequately it is written.

In Soap Box Ravings opinion, these companies along with many other companies need to be in the bankruptcy courts where the courts have and use power to get results that the politicians do not have the balls to go after.. The sooner these companies declare bankruptcy the sooner they get in line to get actually resolve their problems.