Friday, August 18, 2006

History Channels Show on the Waffen SS

The History Channel has a series of shows titled "SS". This series is on the Waffen SS units of WWII. Should you watch any of these shows, particularly the ones concerning Himmler or Heydrich look for any parallels between their beliefs and behaviors and those of the Muslim zealots that exist today. Another show deals with lower ranked individuals, the gophers if you will, all of whom killed people they believed to be "less than" themselves. This "less than" was the official party line of the German Nazi Party and it was not limited to Jews only.

If you notice any similarity between Nazi's and fanatic (or as they say, devout) Muslims you might want to ask the following questions:

1. Is Muslim-American really an oxymoron?

2. Can a devout Muslim be an American patriot and a loyal citizen.

And you might consider checking out this website:

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