Saturday, February 10, 2007

From Neal Boortz: Somebody's Got To Say It

Sat Feb 10 2007

Global Freezing Returns

Ever notice that during December and the first part of January, the media was more than happy to report that global warming was going to end life as we know it and kill everything on the planet? Now, just in time for the UN's big report on climate change, we hardly hear a peep. Why? Because for most of the country, it's almost below zero outside. Tough to sell the global warming charade when people's car doors are frozen shut.

So as much of the Midwest and the Northeast enjoys wind chills below zero, let's take a look at some recent quotes from the global warming pimps on the Left. From Al Gore, the former Vice President and and Nobel Appeasement Prize nominee: "Never before has all of civilization been threatened. We have everything we need to save it, with the possible exception of political will. But political will is a renewable resource." Never before! Those are strong words, Al. Maybe this really is the end of the road for all of us.

Then we heard from Ted Turner, the cable TV titan and owner of his chain of buffalo burger restaurants. Said The Ted: Global warming is the "single greatest challenge that humanity has ever faced. The biggest danger is we won't do enough soon enough." He called for a moratorium on all new carbon-producing power plants. Hey about we build more nuclear power plants? No carbon emissions there. Just an idea.

And of course the great hypocrisy of the Left rolls on, for they do not practice what they preach. They tell us all how to live, how global warming is going to kill us all...then get into their private jets and Hummers and speed off to their next destination. Or in the case of Nancy Pelosi, her military jet. Must be nice!

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